Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
It's been about a month since I've posted. Well, quick update, there are new Gir personas in firefox, Invader Zim is available on dvd for 50$ at Invaderzimondvd.com. Isn't that great. Well, there you go.
Posted by Awesomeness DJ at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
There was a delay but now its ok!
Well this is Shantz! I was supposed to be a author on this blog but each time we tried to add me it didn't work. Well, don't think I am some maniac trying to hack into a blog, I am just telling you about one of the authors.... ME!!! So get used to it.
Posted by x at 3:15 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
101 Gir quotes.
I DID NOT copy and paste this. It took me forever. Enjoy.
- "I'm gonna sing the doom song now!"
- "I'm making mashed po-ta-toes.
- "Chicken! Haha, I'm gonna eat you!"
- "Hi floor! Make me a sammich!"
- "Only if you dance with me."
- "Hi cow!" (Puts sombrero on cows head, starts dancing.)
- "But I need tacos. I need them or I will explode. That happens to me sometimes.
- "Your head smells like a puppy!"
- "I loveded you piggy! I loveded yooouu!"
- *Gasp* "It has chicken legs!"
- Gir: "Do the dance." Zim: "No Gir. No dance." Gir: "Dance." (Starts playing music.)
- Zim: "Quick Gir! What did you see?" Gir: "I saw a squirrel." (Zim stares) "It was going like this!" (Imitates squirrel.)
- "Goodbye! Goodbye, goodbye!"
- "He's getting eatin' by a shark." (Smiles.)
- Zim: "I'm the only one with the technology to decode those files!" Dib: "And we're the only ones with the files to be decoded!" Gir: "And I'm! (snickers. starts laughing.) "I dunno!"
- Zim: "Get me out of here now Gir! Now!" Gir: "Okey-dokey!"
- "Your on fire!"
- "The plug thing! It's not plugged!"
- Zim: "What are you watching?" Gir: "Scary monkey show."
- Zim: "Okay Gir, use your tracking device to guide us back to the base." Gir: "Oh, I left that at home." Zim: "What" Gir: "The guidy, chipy, thingy." Zim: "What! Why?!" Gir: "To make room for the cupcake!" (Takes out cupcake and starts eating.
- "I understand."
- Zim: "Gir! Why can't you fly? I refueled you this morning!" Gir"Oh, I left that at home." Zim: "Why?!" Gir: (Sounding as if it were obvious) "To make room for the tuna." (Takes off cap on leg and starts pulling out tuna and eating.)
- "I've got chocolate bubble gum!"
- "Your methods are stupid! Your progress has been stupid! Your intelligence is STUPID!"
- Gir: "Do de do de do de...." Zim: "Okay Gir I-"(Gir giggles.) "What?" Gir: "Do de."
- Zim: (Acting evil.) Gir: "Cows are my friends." Zim, frowning: "I don't like you."
- Gir: "G.I.R, reporting for duty." Zim: "G. I. R? What does the G stand for?" Gir: "I don't know."
- (after seeing The scary monkey show, which he only just discovered) "I love this show."
- "Guess who made WAFFLES!"
- Zim: Why was there bacon in the soap?! Gir: I MADE IT MYSELF!
- (on the phone) "You got any of them taquitos?"
- "TACOS!"
- (while taking pictures of Dib) "Awwww you look so CUTE"
- "I'm dancin' like a monkey!"
- "I miss you cupcake!"
- "I'm gonna roll around on the floor for a bit, kay?"
- (talking to pizza delivery guy)"Thank you, I love you!"
- "I had a coupon!"
- "HI BABY!"
- "Hooray for Earth!"
- "I like destroying things!"
- "Yes... wait a minute...No"
- "HI!"
- "I'm making the cake!"
- "Let's make biscuits!"
- "taco,taco,taco!"
- "Zim:You broke something and it's not your fault? Gir:I know, I'm scared too."
- "Let's go to my room, pig!
- Zim: "Well Dib, I'll just leave you to your-" Gir, whispering: "Say moosy-fate." Zim: "Then, I'll just leave you to your moosy-fate.
- Zim: "Gir! ATTACK!" Gir: "Yes sir!"..... do de do de do de do de do. Zim: "GIR! ATTACK!" Gir: (serious.) "Yes Sir!" DO DE DO DE DO DE DO DE DO!
Posted by Awesomeness DJ at 7:30 PM 2 comments
Labels: Gir qoutes
Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Zim, The Cheese, The Pickle, And The Pie.
Abby Here! My new screen name is Lillian Xander.
The Zim is that I might have invader ZIM taken iff my laptop by my older ANNOYING BROTHER! And my ANNOYING BROTHER is being A critic because he won'e let me leave my room. I almost hate him. But he is my ANNOYING BROTHER so well, what now? The cheese is that they invented a new type of cheese. The cheese that you feed to the ANNOYING BROTHER so he will do whatever you say. I wish. The
pickle might have been mentioned in other posts. I think not though. It's a class newpaper that all my friends and I have put together. Submit art in comments. or articles. The pie is just the pie. The pie is AWESOME the pie knowns, The pie can control the future, the pie can control life or death, the pi can see into YOUR SOUL!!!
Well, If you have a craving to be an addict, go to www.hristu.net to have a laugh. Invader ZIMETTE signing off!
Posted by Anonymous at 6:30 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Dib: robot?
Okay, I has on Wikipeidia, and we all know Dib, right? Anyway, I was searching for invader Zim, and saw that they where going to say that Dib was a robot built by his father to protect humanity. I think that is a pretty wild theory. But Nick thought of it, so I won't criticise it too much, but I still think Dib should be human. This show already has an annoying robot, right?
So, tell me your opinion. Gotta go. Mom's yelling at me.
Posted by Awesomeness DJ at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 5, 2010
An alien from planet Irk, Zim's sole focus is gaining respect from his leaders - and he goes in disguise as a student on planet Earth. His dogged tenacity and misguided paranoia, coupled with a naive vulnerability, make him a target for ridicule by his classmates and the bane of Dib's existence. Zim is often prone to passionate outbursts proclaiming his alien superiority, and he is extremely determined to vanquish the Earth and reclaim his honor.
One of Zim's classmates at "Skool," Dib is a relentless pursuer of the paranormal and "gifted child." His two main goals in life are impressing his famous TV scientist father and exposing his arch-rival Zim as the alien he knows him to be.
Gir is my personal favorite in this show. He is Zim's standard-issue intelligence-gathering and information-retrieval robot. Instead of a top-of-the-line model, Gir was cobbled together from spare parts but is nevertheless exceptionally loyal. He has a short attention span, is extremely energetic, and often behaves in a bizarre and uncontrollable manner. Often seen wearing his little zippered dog suit.
Dib's pessimistic kid sister and pint-sized mistress of manipulation. Happiest when pitting Dib and Zim against one another, she often falls into the role of hapless guinea pig to her brother's bizarre scientific tinkerings.
Posted by Awesomeness DJ at 4:48 PM 1 comments
JOSH!!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT THIS!!!!!!
Zach (in all his awesomeness) made this logo that has a transparency!
Posted by Anonymous at 4:03 PM 4 comments
Invader Zim Planets 101
Abby here! I am one of the administrators of The IRKEN PLANET!
Here's an update of theIrken military universe.
The Planets from Invader Zim
Blorch (Blortch?) is the home of the Slaughtering Rat People. It was assigned to Invader Skooge who actually managed to conquer the Blortchians - allowing the Irken Empire to convert Blortch into a parking structure planet.
Boodie Nen is the home of the large nostriled people. It was assigned to Invader Slacks, who failed to conquer it before Probing Day.
Callnowia is a large metallic planet which is used by the Irken Empire (and others?) to process online and telephone orders. Zim's germ finding goggles were dispatched via meteor from Callnowia to his front door.
Charcunga is one of the two planets that align every 1,000 years signaling the approach of Mortos der Soulstealer. Not sure which of the 3 objects in this pic is Charcunga, though.
Conventia is seen early in The Nightmare Begins. It is a world equipped with large halls and a nice space-dock teleporter set which allows the Irkens to hold massive meetings. Conventia was the sight of The Great Assigning.
The Conveyor Belt Planet is a galactic shipping center controlled by the Irkens. It was populated with a strange looking race who have been enslaved and are forced to ship Irken packages around the universe.
Devastis is really only seen in Tak: The Horrible New Girl during Tak's flashback. Devastis is a testing site for Irken Invaders.
Planet Dirt was the place Tak was banished to after losing her chance to be an invader.
Earth is the home of the humans and it is the inadvertantly assigned target of Zim's invasion during Operation Impending Doom II. Most of the action in the Invader Zim cartoon takes place on Earth.
Foodcourtia is the food court planet. After Operation Impending Doom I Zim is banished to be a minion of Sizz-Lorr on Foodcourtia but he later escapes.
Hobo13 is the location of an elite military training facility visited by Zim in the episode titled Hobo13.
Irk is the home world of the Irken Empire. It is never really shown from a long enough range to get a good idea of its size, shape or color.
Planet Judgementia is home to the Spike of Judgement - a place that every Irken must eventually go where their lives are evaluated by the Irken control brains to determine if that Irken will be allowed to exist or if they will be deactivated. This planet was to be the scene for most of the episode The Trial which was never made.
Mars is a neighboring planet of Earth. It figures prominently in Battle of the Planets when Dib and Zim use Mars and Mercury as weapons against each other.
Mechanical Storage Planet This planet is used by the Irkens to store equipment and hardware. It was where they stored their Megadoomer and the malfunctioning SIR units in the Megadoomer episode.
Planet Meekrob is never shown from afar, but it is mentioned several times in the series. Meekrob was the planet that the shoe-like aliens are ostensibly from in Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom. Meekrob was assigned to Invader Tenn and in Megadoomer we get to see Tenn and a group of malfunctioning SIR units essentially destroy the planet and doom everything there.
Mercury is a neighboring planet of Earth. It figures prominently in Battle of the Planets when Dib and Zim use Mars and Mercury as weapons against each other.
Plookesia is what I assume the home planet of the Plookesians is called.
Taoola is one of the two planets that align every 1,000 years signaling the approach of Mortos der Soulstealer. Not sure which of the 3 objects in this picture is Taoola, though.
Vort is home to some of the greatest engineers and scientists in the universe…unfortunately for them Vort has also been conquered by the Irken Empire who now uses those engineers and scientists to design ships and weapons. The Massive was designed by Vortians.
Posted by Anonymous at 3:57 PM 0 comments